Donator $10

​​Gives you the in game rank of donator therefore allowing you to /tpa /tpahere /spawn. Also giving you 64 diamonds and 100 levels. Changes ingame prefix to Donator
GodDonator!! $50

You've donated so much to the server and we thank you for you contribution. By donating $50 you get to pick what prefix you want before your name. You also get all the commands that donators get plus you get the ability to enchant whatever you want by using the /enchant ability. You also can set multiple homes and be able to jump from home to home without a cool down wait. You can also open your enderchest from anywhere by typing /enderchest Thanks for donating to the server ​​
Sponsor $20

​Changes your rank and prefix to sponsor in game and allows for commands such as /tpa /tpahere /spawn /kit dweapons (cliamable once every other day) kit weapons allows u to get full diamond armor and diamond sword claimable once every other day along with 200 levels
